In Memoriam
“When youth dies for loyalty’s sake,
the hallowed memory of love abides.”
A marble tablet in the University of Virginia Chapel bears this inscription. It was given in honor of Archer Christian by his teammates following Christian's untimely death on November 13, 1909 of head trauma sustained in a game against Georgetown University. His passing would change the game forever.
May it never be that we forget the brothers who lined up shoulder to shoulder alongside us during our years at the University.
Below are members of the Virginia Football Family who have passed, but whose memories and legacies on and off the field carry on in perpetuity thanks to the generous gifts made by former teammates on their behalf. These gifts also help ensure that no teammate, coach, manager, trainer, or friend is ever forgotten.
Read below for more information on this program.
Bill Dudley '41
1921 - 2010
Graham, VA
Given in memory, by his teammates

Charlie Mott '51
1929 - 2020
Huntington, WV
Given in memory, by Chip Mark '79

E. Paul Rogers '68
1946 - 2000
Atlanta, GA
Given in memory, by Chip Mark '79

Andy Selfridge '71
1949 - 2019
Cleveland, OH
Given in memory for his devotion, by a friend

Leigh Drewry '79
1956 - 2017
South Hill, VA
Given in memory for his devotion, by a friend

Kevin Bowie '79
1957 - 1976
Plainfield, NKJ
Given in memory, by his teammates

Al Alvarez '79
1958 - 2008
Colonia, NJ
Given in memory, by his teammates

James Chaplin '91
1969 - 1991
Pullman, WA
Given in memory, by Chip Cathey '91

Bryan Heath '94
1972 - 2013
Kernersville, NC
Given in memory, by a friend

Tyrone Davis '95
1972 - 2022
Halifax, VA
Given in memory, by a friend

D'Sean Perry '23
2000 - 2022
Miami, FL
May his friendship and memory always be a blessing

Lavel Davis, Jr '24
2002 - 2022
WR | Ridgeville, SC
May his friendship and memory always be a blessing

Devin Chandler '24
2002 - 2022
Huntersville, NC
May his friendship and memory always be a blessing

Gene Corrigan
1928 - 2020
AD | Baltimore, MD
Given in memory for his devotion, by a friend

Aspirationally, it's a way for us to honor our collective history and to remember those who helped shape Virginia Football.
Tangibly, it's an avenue for alums to make financial contributions in memory of a deceased teammate, coach, manager, staff or friend of the program.
It's origin is three-fold:
An alum stepped forth in Winter 2019 and presented the idea. He felt strongly about honoring in some way past teammates, coaches, and friends of the program and also our collective Virginia football history.
As a Club, we were then quick to recognize that there wasn't a proper vehicle in place thru which to honor the deceased, nor did we have a reliable way to know when folks pass. Some of these updates eventually get to us, but far too many stay within a small circle or slip thru the cracks entirely and go unnoticed.
In the last twelve months alone we lost at least eight family members that we know of, ranging from a Hall of Fame coach to a 2015 grad. As a group that genuinely believes in and seeks to nurture our common bonds, it was easy to see that this was an area where we were falling short.
Additionally, this initiative reaches every single alum, regardless of age, location, vocation, etc., and does so on both sides of the coin. Meaning, someone will pass, and someone(s) else will pay their respects accordingly.
In 2021 we shifted from "dues" to "gifts", which felt like a better way to support our work. Regardless of what we call it, it's only possible because of your generosity.
There were a few reasons for the shift:
Once a Hoo Always a Hoo In a sense, you already paid your dues thru your contributions to the program, be it five or 50 years ago. We all went through similar experiences and made similar sacrifices, forming lasting bonds along the way. Membership is conditional upon that, not a financial transaction.
Frugality Not to be confused with “cheap.” Rather, we try to be mindful of every dollar that you generously choose to give us, and spend them wisely. We have done a lot of work in recent years to trim fat out of our budget in an effort to maximize the bang that we get for every one of your bucks.
Stewardship Though we need a backstop in case of unforeseen expenses or global pandemics, our intent is to spend what we raise each year in service to you and our mission.
Inclusivity Whether in person or in spirit, bringing together the broadest collections of albums is central to our mission. Some of you lives states—if not countries—away, yet your support has been unwavering and we wanted to begin to reduce the focus on being so Charlottesville-centric.
Optionality On the Giving page you will notice a few options for where you can direct your dollars. Currently, you can select between (or both) the General Fund and the newly established Memorial Fund.
Tax Implications Whereas “dues” weren’t tax-deductible, “gifts” are. And though the IRS tax code ain’t what it used to be, there is at least some possible return/deduction on your investment in the Club.
We believe this approach is a better path forward, in better service to our mission.
Funds can be designated by the Donor for a variety of purposes. Unless otherwise specified, funds will be separately earmarked and used to pay our respects to surviving family members of the Designee (and future teammates, regardless of whether or not a Donor has stepped forth) thru cards, flowers, etc. as appropriate.
By designating funds for this purpose, we (a) create a measure of internal accountability to act when Family members pass away, and (b) ensure that we can do so properly, as this trend unfortunately won't stop anytime soon.
Just as we have funded our Thursday's Heroes support and annual Senior Dinner thru mechanisms separate from our annual operating fund, we're seeking to do likewise here so we can get this off the ground and ensure it's proper support.
No. This program is in its nascent stages and we are very much open to feedback.
In addition to the general Operating Fund, you now have the ability to direct a gift to our new Memorial Fund account. These gifts are kept separately and used in various ways to honor our deceased teammates. Learn more here.
Yes. Here are a few ways:
Send a note to vfac@virginia.edu if you learn of someone's passing so we can follow-up accordingly.
Help us follow-up! This may look different case-by-case, but our general intent is to acknowledge the teammate thru a letter to the family. You can do this regardless of whether or not you knew the deceased.
Send a note to vfac@virginia.edu if you have a particular story or memory to share about any of the Designees. We will include it on this page.

"In the name of the University of Virginia I accept with solemn pride this memorial tablet which his comrades and those who loved Archer Christian have cause to be set up in this quiet chapel. This tablet, I am glad to see, has distinction and beauty as a thing of art. The spectacle of the brooding, fostering figure of learning, guarding and guiding the way of dauntless and steadfast youth appeals to our imaginations and drives straight to our hearts.
With tenderer and nobler symbolism, however, the tablet possesses the power to keep forever green and vivid in this dim religious spot the memory of a brave, pure-souled Virginia boy who died doing his duty eagerly in an honorable context in the service of his alma mater. Here Archer Christian shall dwell always in immortal youth, cherished by unnumbered generations of his kind who will read this inscription, absorb this symbolism and come to understand more clearly the beauty of clean living, loyal acting and whole-hearted self-forgetfulness.
In this way may it please the dear God who rules and guides us all to transmute pain into gain and grievous loss into abounding and glorious victory."
Edwin Alderman
Presiden, University of Virginia